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9 – 10 February 2017, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureele Erfgoed, Amersfoort

Registration is required, Register in late December.

Programme Thursdag 9 February 8:30 Arrival and Registration 9:30 Welcome Hank Bartelink, director LandschappenNL; 9:35 Opening addresses: - Susan Lammers, director Cultural Heritage Agency; - Roel Feringa, Ministry of Economic Affairs; - Jan Jacob van Dijk, Interprovincial Council, the Netherlands; - Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons, Council of Europe;

10:10 Berno Strootman, National Advisor on Landscape & Water, Committee of Recommendation Landscape Observatory NL; 10:30 Pere Sala i Martí, Director Observatori del Paisatge Catalunya: Experiences of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia; 11:00 Interactive coffee break: facilitated poster presentations; 12:00 Laurence le Dû Blayot, University Rennes, France: Experiences of an Observatory of Landscape Photos; 12:30 Mauro Agnoletti, University Florence, Italy: Experiences with the National Agricultural Landscape, Observatory Italy and the Regional Landscape Observatory of Tuscany; 13:00 Lunch break 14:00 Juan José Galán Vivas, Aalto University Finland: Experiences of the National Landscape Observatory of Finland; 14:30 Gerrit-Jan van Herwaarden (LandschappenNL): Development of a National Landscape Observatory in the Netherlands; 15:00 Bas Pedroli, Wageningen University & Research: Overview of Landscape Observatories in Europe; 15:20 Dirk Gotzmann, Director CIVILSCAPE: Involvement of civil society in observing the landscape 15:40 Juan-Manuael Palerm Salazar, University of Las Palmas Gran Canaria: Experiences of the Landscape Observatory of the Canary Islands; 16:00 Tea Break 16:30 Round Table debate 17:30 Drinks

Friday 10 February 9:30 Eric Luiten, University Delft, Committee of Recommendation Landscape Observatory NL): Why is landscape so important for our current society? 10:00 3 paper presentations 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 3 paper presentations (see call for papers) 12:30 Final Discussion 13:30 Closure

(Afternoon: excursion for foreign guests, returning ultimately 16:30 to Amersfoort)

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